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Hey Brandan. Well done on the creation of a great menu and game scene. You have created some great assets for your prototype and they go great with your theme. Your game character is very cool and you have shown very good ProBuilder skills.

I like the consistency of your menu between scenes and the use of the panel behind the buttons. My only suggestion would be to make the button colours contrast more with the background to increase accessibility for someone who is colourblind.

Overall an excellent prototype, Brendan. I really enjoyed testing out your design.


Fantastic prototype build Brendan.  Also, great work with creating the “Intensity” of your main game character's eyes aswell.

I really like how you have paid close attention to the alignment and positioning of your menu scene menu and game scene game control interface.  By designing/placing these elements this way, it makes these buttons/controls feel naturally “Intuitive” for the user which essentially reduces cognitive load and improves overall UX.

One small issue is regarding the consistency/colours of the buttons.  Some buttons lack a hover state, which makes some buttons behave differently and thus reduces the overall level of functional consistency for the buttons. Also, the normal button colour of green makes it slightly challenging for the user to clearly differentiate the buttons from the game scene because this colour is similar to the environment's green colour as well.    

Hi Brendan, great work. I really like the use of colour and graphics. I can see how you did the scaling for your character, so the shrink button works when first pressed. Didn't think of that. When hit shrink twice the character disappears and then flips upside down. This didn't have an impact on my overall user experience, as it was expected. Well done. :)